Agile - The Daily Stand Up

Agile – The Daily Stand Up Slide

There is a lot of valuable information on the net already in terms of the Daily Stand Up Agile Ceremony. This slide is a generic collection of what a daily stand up is, and some of the more common problems faced by maturing teams when participating in the daily stand up agile ceremony. And I have used it in the past to set up the right expectations with teams moving into Agile.

The most common problem faced by teams who are new to Agile stems from a learned behavior of giving status updates to project managers and team leads. Agile spins this on its head by encouraging the scrum masters to become proficient Servant Leaders and to coach the team to take accountability and responsibility of the daily stand up.

It can take a while for positive results to show through and good coaches need to teach both the team and the stakeholders on the importance of the purpose of the daily stand-up and who it’s for (hint: it is not for the stakeholders).

It is also a great opportunity for Scrum Masters to identify when Sprint Fatigue is starting to set in and apply some proactive remediation before it starts impacting the teams and disrupting the teams’ flow of work.


Agile Hints And Tips - Newtech Consulting

Agile Gotcha’s and Tips slide

Part of an overall series in Agile hints and tips, this slide summaries some of the more common Agile gotcha’s. We will drill down further into each as separate posts, but this was a great slide to start some conversations around breaking some general Agile myths.

Documentation is further discussed here:


Agile Sprint Review Slide

Agile Sprint Review Slide

One of the key Agile Ceremonies that is presented by the Agile Scrum team to its stakeholders and interested parties. This slide is part of the Agile playbook created for St John and details the purpose and a proposed agenda for the Sprint Review.

The Sprint Review is an opportunity for the delivery team to demonstrate the product increment built so far to a wider audience and get stakeholder feedback. It is likely that towards the end of the review, valuable feedback will be collected to give the team a rough idea in terms of probable features to be concentrated on in the near future. All these go towards a more refined and visible product backlog


Agile Sprint Planning

Agile Sprint Planning Process

One of the key ceremonies under Agile Scrum, Sprint Planning frequently occurs at the start of a delivery sprint. The Sprint Planning session gives an agile delivery team the ability to create their sprint backlog and the tasks required to deliver it (the plan).

This is the recommended Agile Sprint Planning process at St John. In order to get the best value from Sprint Planning, it is important to come prepared and avoid too many cooks and not enough support for the Development Team.

We had to recommend some team agreements to ensure that there was a clear process that led the development team through the process of Sprint Planning.

This slide is individualized to St John. The process, however, can be applied to other organizations once their team agreement is put in place. Please contact me should you want a more customized sprint planning process visualized.

Agile Team Core Values Slide

A maturing Agile Team should have the following core values as part of their improving Agile Mindset. These are key to ensuring a high performing team.

This slide was created to visually show how the core values will assist the St John team to move towards a better performing team.

While I contemplated a more visual graphic, this has been done several times before and this slide was more for presenting information that can be printed out and placed on a wall.

Agile – Typical 2 Week Sprint Ceremonies

A typical 2-week sprint has several Agile Ceremonies within it. It’s not just about stand-ups and check in’s!

Here is a slide that I created for St John that visually shows how to set up a typical 2-week sprint for Agile Scrum. This has recommendations of durations and timings to allow the coordinator to schedule the meetings correctly.

Contact me if you need anything similar created for your organization. Or if you need a full size copy of this one 🙂

St John Demand to Delivery Agile Framework

Assisted St John with recommending a new Demand-to-Delivery framework visual for their Digital Transformation programme.

The Framework was an adaptation of the Scrumban Agile framework. However, the terminology used was decidedly non-agile due to the lower agile maturity of the organization. The organization, being primarily waterfall, is shifting from a directive delivery model to a more lean, agile and flexible delivery model, with the Digital Programme being the first major cab off the ranks and used as the blueprint going forward.

You may notice some differences (in terms of pushing into the teams sprint queue instead of allowing the team to pull from the backlog. This was an interim measure to slowly change the behavior of the team.

Feel free to contact me should you require a similar visual framework created!